Although the night before produced 3-4 inches of snow, by Wednesday Jan. 22, 2014 Quincy Carr was prepared to roll with the much anticipated “Kick Off” of his fast growing Quality Comedy Series for the 4th season. The crowd was much smaller than normal, but the presentation was still flawless. From another one of Quincy’s hilarious opening videos and FREE door prize giveaways to the comedy from (Headliner) Cory Fernandez, (Feature) Tim Loulies, and opening act Kristen Sivills. As host, Quincy started the show off thanking those who “Trooped it out” and attended considering the weather conditions. After that, the show was full of  fun and laughter the entire night. Next month the show will be taken to new heights when Quincy and Native Productions present the show as it will be taped in front of a LIVE audience… CANT WAIT!!!