Happy Valentine’s Day! We’d like to thank all sponsors, performers, staff and those in attendance for helping us kick off the (Quality Comedy Series) 2013 season correctly last night! The preshow was awesome w/ acoustic guitarist Bryan Dunn. Quincy kicked off the season with one of his funny comedy video skits (Below) relating to what today is all about… LOVE! Once the crowd (approx. 137) had loosened up, Quincy hit the stage as host for the evening and prepared those in attendance for what was a very entertaining night of clean adult comedy; featuring David C. Wingfield and starring veteran comedian / magician Kevin Lee (seen on HBO, Fox, and in Vegas)! The Funny Bone, of course, provided an elite atmosphere for the mature adults to sit back and enjoy smooth live jazz and quality comedy that only this series promises to continue bringing throughout 2013. For future show dates, please CLICK HERE and we’ll see you on Wed. March 13th at 7:30pm.